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Associate Professor

Prof.YANG Dake

Time:2020-12-24    Views:

Name: YANG Dake

Gender: Male

Professional Title: Associate Professor

Degree:  Ph.D.

Position: Supervisor of Master Degree Students

E-mail: 13153@tongji.edu.cn


Education and Working Experiences

LL.B, Jilin University (2006)

LL.M, University of Bonn (2008)

J.S.D, Humboldt University of Berlin (2013)

Associate professor, Tongji University (2014-present)


Syndic, China Business Law Society

Syndic, Institute of Securities Law of CLS

Syndic, Institute of Corporate Legal Affairs of Shanghai Law Society


Research Interests

Commercial law (corporate law, bankruptcy law, etc.)

Comparative law

Basic theory of civil law


Courses Teaching

General Introduction to German Civil Law

General Introduction to German Law of Obligation

International Law


Dake Yang. Die Auswahl eines Aufsichtsmechanismus für chinesische börsennotierte Aktiengesellschaften vor dem Hintergrund rechtsvergleichender Erfahrungen. Berlin: Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag GmbH. 2014.

Dake Yang, “On the Integration of the Party Organization and the Supervision Mechanism of State-owned Enterprises”, Contemporary Law Review (CLSCI), Vol. 2, 2020.

Dake Yang, “Corporate Interests in German Law and Its Enlightenment”, Tsinghua University Law Journal (CLSCI), Vol.4, 2019.

Dake yang, “On the Institutional Connotation of Compliance Responsibility of German Supervisory Board”, Journal of Tongji University (Social Science Section) (CSSCI), Vol.3, 2019.

Dake yang, “On the Definition of Supervisor's Independence -- Taking the Norms of German Company Law as a Mirror”, Journal of Comparative Law (CLSCI), Vol. 2, 2016.

Dake Yang, “The Hierarchical Cooperation of the Board of Directors and Supervisors in the Practice of Corporate Compliance Review in Germany and Its Enlightenment to China”, Securities Market Herald (CSSCI), Vol.11, 2016.

Dake Yang, “An Analysis of the Information Right System of the supervisory Board of German Stock Limited Companies and Its Enlightenment”, Deutschland Studien (CSSCI), Vol. 1, 2015.

